Graduate students working in a lab

Trainee Resources


To ensure all CBP trainees have a foundation in the basics and familiarity with cutting edge examples of research at the chemistry-biology interface, you are required to take the one-quarter course CHE 238: Introduction to Chemical Biology, which is usually offered in the Fall by CBP faculty. You are also required to take at least one additional course from those recommended below to bolster your cross-training. Descriptions of these courses are available in the UC Davis General Catalog. Please note that if reviewing via the catalog, there may be prerequisites listed that are different from what the program requires. 

Recommended Courses for Chemistry-Biology Cross Training

  • For biology students
  • CHE 240: Advanced Analytical Chemistry
    CHE 233: Physical-Organic Chemistry
    CHE 205: Symmetry, Spectroscopy and Structure
    CHE 226: Principles of Transition Metal Chemistry
    CHE 231A: Organic Sythesis - Methods and Strategies
    CHE 211A: Advanced Physical Chemistry - Statistical Mechanics
    CHE 217: Protein Crystallography
    CHE 245: Mechanistic Enzymology
    CHE 221A: Chemical Glycobiology
    CHE 221D: Chemical Biology of Cancer
    CHE 234: Chemical and Molecular Neuroscience
  • For chemistry students
  • BCB 210: Molecular Genetics and Genomics
    BCB 211: Macromolecular Structure and Interactions
    BCB 212: Cell Biology
    BCB 213: Developmental Biology
    BCB 214: Molecular Biology
    BPH 200A: Current Techniques in Biophysics
    BPH 241: Membrane Biology
    BIM 202: Cell and Molecular Biology for Engineers
    BIM 204: Physiology for Bioengineers
    PTX 201: Principles of Pharmacology and Toxicology
    NSC 221: Cellular Neurophysiology


Laboratory Safety Training

Laboratory safety training is a key component of any graduate program in experimental science. All our trainees must understand the safety issues of both chemistry and biology laboratory settings; therefore, we require trainees to participate in the following courses:

Faculty trainers will provide their own lab-specific training and orientation and lab personnel and trainers will develop and implement a chemical hygiene plan with standard operating procedures and safety expectations for lab personnel.


Responsible Conduct of Research Program

The objective of the Responsible Conduct of Research Program is to provide graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, faculty, staff and NSF funded undergraduate students with information, training, and tools to address the increasingly complex issues that they will confront during their careers. The RCR program is used to satisfy NIH training grant requirements for responsible and ethical conduct of research training programs.

Trainees are expected to attend a minimum of eight sessions to meet the federal requirement and to receive a certificate of completion. Per NIH: "Instruction must be undertaken at least once during each career stage, and at a frequency of no less than once every four years."

In This Section

Research Ethics: RCR Program

The objective of the Responsible Conduct of Research program is to provide graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, faculty, staff and NSF funded undergraduate students with information, training, and tools to address the increasingly complex issues that they will confront during their careers. The RCR program may be used to satisfy NIH, NSF, and USDA-NIFA training grant requirements for the responsible and ethical conduct of research training programs. The Research Compliance & Integrity unit provides administrative support to the RCR Program.


Cross Training Lab Rotations

You are required to participate in a one-quarter long rotation in a laboratory engaged in cross-disciplinary research complementary to your proposed thesis project. The rotation may take place in a lab that is currently involved in collaborative research with your lab, but this is not absolutely necessary, so long as the training experience will ultimately benefit your project. The rotation must also take place outside of your home department. The following are examples of acceptable cross training rotation plans:

Student A

Thesis Lab: Louie, Department of Biomedical Engineering
Thesis Project: Development and testing of new bi-modal imaging agents
Cross Training Rotation: Kauzlarich Lab, Department of Chemistry
Topic: Nanoparticle synthesis and characterization

Student B

Thesis Lab: Beal, Department of Chemistry
Thesis Project: Synthesis of nucleoside analog-containing RNA for study of RNA-editing enzyme
Cross Training Rotation: Segal Lab, Department of Molecular Medicine, Genome Center
Topic: Engineering custom DNA-binding proteins


Individual Development Plan

Each trainee of the CBP, working with their research adviser, will generate an Individual Development Plan (IDP)--a tailored career development tool that facilitates skills/knowledge assessment, setting goals, implementing action plans and evaluating progress. Research has shown that having a structured training program leads to greater success in a training program, which is why the National Institutes of Health (NIH) strongly encourages its use.

The IDP is between you and your research adviser; it will not be submitted to NIH. After the initial draft is created, you should meet with your research adviser to solicit their feedback. This document is intended to be dynamic and evolve over time. You should review your IDP with your research adviser and thesis committee at least once per year, though more frequent check-ins is advised in the first year to establish a strong foundation and enhance the training experience.

IDP Template (.doc)