UC Davis Chemical Biology Trainees are each members of five different source graduate groups on campus. Students graduating with a PhD from these graduate groups in the years 2009-2017 had an average time-to-degree as follows:
- Chemistry: 5.19 years;
- Biochemistry, Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology: 5.77 years;
- Pharmacology & Toxicology: 5.25 years;
- Biomedical Engineering: 5.42 years; and,
- Biophysics: 5.61 years.
Additional information about the career outcomes of recent graduates from UC Davis Chemical Biology Program labs is provided below. Here we use the career type classification of Pickett and Tilghman¹ (Research, Teaching, Science-related, Not related to science and Further Training). Of the 108 students that completed their PhD training in the 30 laboratories associated with the UC Davis Chemical Biology Program from 2014-2018, 36 (33%) currently have research-intensive careers, 33 (30%) have science-related careers, 30 (28%) are in further scientific training and 5 (5%) are involved in a primarily teaching position with 2 (2%) unknown and 2 (2%) in a career not related to science.
Career outcomes for PhD graduates from UC Davis Chemical Biology Program labs from 2014-2020 (108 total)
Pickett, C.L., Tilghman, S. (2017) PeerJ Preprints https://doi.org/10.7287/peerj.preprints.3370v1